Concordat Implementation Plan
As part of our work to implement the Concordat we create an Implementation Plan, based on input and discussion with our researchers to ensure it meets their needs. Our current plan spans a two year period but is regularly updated as we expand our work. For each Concordat Principle we set out the work are doing as an institution to help support our researchers and their managers to meet their responsibilities. Find out more about our plans and how we aim to achieve them:
Concordat Implementation Plan March 2023-March 2025
A simplified version of our implementation plan with actions for each principle and each stakeholder.
Concordat Progress
What we have achieved during the last 4 year implementation plan
Detailed Concordat Implementation Plan
Including timescales, evaluation measures and oversight. Progress updates will be added every 6 months.
Concordat Implementation Plan March 2023-March 2025 (download version)
A downloadable version of our implementation plan with actions for each principle and each stakeholder.