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QUEST: PGR Development Programme

Welcome to QUEST, OD&PL's programme to support the postgraduate researcher (PGR) research journey. These workshops provide opportunities for PGRs to engage in discussions, share insights, and learn collaboratively.

See you on a workshop soon! If you have any questions about the QUEST Programme, email Heledd Jarosz-Griffiths (

Who is QUEST for?

QUEST is for postgraduate researchers, except for one workshop on Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) which is also available for postdocs and early-career researchers.

What topics does QUEST cover and when should you consider attending?

We cover the following topics (suggested timeline):  

  • Developing good supervisor relationships (First 3-6 months of PhD)
  • Research Culture (First Year of PhD, but can be take at any point)
  • Viva Preparation (First Year prior to Transfer; Final Year prior to Final Viva) 
  • Responsible Research and Innovation (At any time during PhD)
  • Leadership skills (Third Year of PhD onwards)

How often does QUEST run in an academic year?

The QUEST Programme runs as follows:  

Quest Journeys (three times in person, twice online) 

  • Your Viva 
  • Developing good supervisor relationships 
  • Research culture for PGRs 

Quest Discovery (twice in person) 

  • Exploring leadership for PGRs (Parts 1 and 2) 
  • What does Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) mean to me? (Parts 1 and 2) (plus once online)


Programme for 2024/25

Each journey and discovery session will be advertised 1-2 months in advance, with booking details for each workshop available below. Single workshops can be selected to support PGR progress at a time which is appropriate to the researcher.

When booking a place on a workshop, we kindly ask that you ensure that you can attend the full session. If you are unable to attend, please cancel your place as soon as possible by emailing This helps us to reallocate your spot to someone on the waiting list.

January to March 2025

15 January – Your Viva (online)

15 January 2025, 2pm to 4pm

This workshop is designed to prepare you for your viva by offering a practical experience of answering viva questions and reflecting on your performance. It covers both the transfer viva stage and the final doctoral viva. 

This is an opportunity to ask any questions you have about the viva process.

Book on to 'Your Viva' (15 January)

28 January - Developing Good Supervisor Relationships (in person)

28 January 2025, 1:30pm to 4:00pm

This workshop has been designed for PGRs in the early stages of their candidature, aiming to help you explore expectations of doctoral supervision and establish a strong relationship with your supervisory team.  

You are encouraged to participate in informal discussions and peer support, with ample opportunities to ask questions and seek advice on working effectively with your supervisors.

Book on to 'Developing Good Supervisor Relationships' (28 January)

6 February - Research Culture For PGRs (in person)

6 February 2025, 2pm to 4pm

Research culture encompasses the environment in which your research takes place, including the ways we collaborate, communicate, and the behaviours, values, and expectations that shape the research process.  

This workshop is specifically designed for PGRs to understand the impact of research culture, how you can positively influence the culture around you, and the broader implications of workplace culture on your future career.

Book on to 'Research Culture for PGRs' (6 February)

11 February & 19 March 2025 Exploring Leadership for Postgraduates (in person)

11 February 2025, 10am to 4pm
19 March 2025 2024, 10am to 4pm

The Exploring Leadership for Postgraduates workshop is designed to help you explore what leadership involves and discover your unique leadership style. If your research depends on the input and collaboration of others, this workshop is for you. You might have limited experience or knowledge of leadership or only occasional opportunities to apply theory to practice.

During the session, you will identify and prioritise essential leadership competencies, enhance your self-awareness, and develop strategies to build effective, collaborative working relationships.

Book on to 'Exploring Leadership for Postgraduates' (11 February & 19 March)

27 February - Developing Good Supervisor Relationships (online)

27 February 2025, 10am to 12:30pm

This workshop has been designed for PGRs in the early stages of their candidature, aiming to help you explore expectations of doctoral supervision and establish a strong relationship with your supervisory team.  

You are encouraged to participate in informal discussions and peer support, with ample opportunities to ask questions and seek advice on working effectively with your supervisors.

Book on to 'Developing Good Supervisor Relationships' (27 February)

6 March & 20 March – What does Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) mean to me? (online)

6 March 2025, 10am to 12:30pm
20 March 2025, 1pm to 3pm

Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) aligns research with societal values, fostering ethical and sustainable outcomes. These workshops will equip you with the skills to integrate RRI principles into your projects, focusing on stakeholder engagement, impact anticipation, and transparency throughout the research process. As RRI considerations become increasingly required by funding bodies, these workshops will help you meet these expectations and achieve socially responsible research. Please note when booking, you need to attend both sessions, workshop two is a direct follow on from the first session. 

Book on to 'What does Responsible Research and Innovation mean to me?' (6 March & 20 March)

18 March - Research Culture For PGRs (online)

18 March 2025, 2pm to 4pm

Research culture encompasses the environment in which your research takes place, including the ways we collaborate, communicate, and the behaviours, values, and expectations that shape the research process.  

This workshop is specifically designed for PGRs to understand the impact of research culture, how you can positively influence the culture around you, and the broader implications of workplace culture on your future career.

Book on to 'Research Culture for PGRs' (18 March)

27 March - Your Viva (in person)

27 March 2025, 2pm to 4pm

This workshop is designed to prepare you for your viva by offering a practical experience of answering viva questions and reflecting on your performance. It covers both the transfer viva stage and the final doctoral viva. 

This is an opportunity to ask any questions you have about the viva process.

Book on to 'Your Viva' (27 March)

Upcoming workshops

QUEST runs throughout the academic year in a series of in person and online workshops encompassed within QUEST Journey and Discovery. Details and booking links are added to this page regularly, so check back soon for details of our Spring/Summer 2025 sessions.