Building Impact Momentum
About the programme:
The Building Impact Momentum programme helps researchers to define their research impact (impact beyond the academy and not academic impact) and build it into their research projects.
The programme takes participants through a process that starts with their initial research ideas and helps them to develop concrete ideas for impact and activities to achieve it. These could be applied within their current research project or written into a potential grant application.
Who is it for?
It is open to research staff, academic staff and professional support staff. If you are a member of professional support staff, you must have a live research project or grant application that you are supporting that you can work on during this programme.
It is best suited to researchers in the early stages of their specific research project, this could be before the project formally starts or in its start-up period.
The programme is adaptable dependent on prior experience of impact and the needs of each cohort but it works best for those relatively new to thinking about impact from their research.
For those with more experience of impact, you may want to consider looking at:
- Michael Beverley Innovation Fellowship - this initiative is designed to support early career researchers to achieve impactful research by encouraging cross-disciplinary collaboration, developing partnerships and commercial awareness.
- Research Impact Coaching - facilitated by OD&PL, this coaching provides tailored and longitudinal support to researchers looking to improve their effectiveness in delivering impact from their research. We will work with you to shape your coaching experience based on your needs and situation.
How does it work?
The programme will run twice in 2023/24 and has space for 21 researchers. It is made up of six 90 minute session, additional reading, partner work and impact practice. The sessions are spread across a ~ 15 week period and are delivered by members of the University’s Impact Network. The programme involves individual work, peer to peer support and tutor input and is informed by the latest research on how impact happens.
When does the next programme run?
The next programme will run from April – July 2024. Expressions of interest are open until 11.45pm on 18 February 2024.
Express your interest in the Building Impact Momentum programme
Each programme is advertised on various channels including the RIS managed research email lists, ODPL’s social media accounts, the eNews emails from Internal Comms, the Engaged Research Microsoft Team and the Impact Network Microsoft Team.
More information
If you have any questions about this programme please email or you can complete a form to be sent more information about our next programme.